There's not much time left this year. 2020 has been an unimaginable year.This year, all exhibitions that were planned from early spring were canceled due to the coronavirus.
It was a tough situation, but after that, together with my colleagues we were able to accomplish things that we had not been able to do before because we thought we did not have time, such as renovating our online shop.
Although it feels extremely difficult, we have been doing what we can, one thing at a time, and we are now somehow able to continue, and I feel reassured by the fact that so many people are watching over us.
Ishiteshiro Clothing Store is a very small clothing manufacturing company, but we hope to continue making better products next year as well.
Looking back, the biggest thing that happened to me this year was that I was able to start thinking concretely about "forest creation."We found the gallnuts, which are the dye material we were looking for to dye the fabric black, in the nearby mountains, and from next year we would like to start maintaining the forest so that we can grow them.
The mountains that are close to us are important because they produce clean air and water, and also help nurture dye materials.
It's something that is there all the time, but I want to be actively involved so that I can continue to receive its blessings.There's plenty of such excitement in 2021.
I'm fantasizing about planning a forest creation tour, so if you're interested, please let me know.This is a long message, but thank you very much for your support in 2020.
I hope you all stay warm and have a happy new year.