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The construction of the indigo blue roof has begun.

Indigo is usually prepared from the end of April to the beginning of May, as Itoshiro starts to get a little warmer.

This year, we prepared it on April 27th and May 3rd.

First, sterilize the indigo vat with boiling water.

After adding lye to the sukumo and kneading it with our feet for an hour, the carp streamers look happy as they swim about.

Pour lye into the jar until it is about one-third full, then check the pH and temperature.

Currently, we stir the mixture every four hours so that the indigo blue can form.

The reason for stirring every 4 hours is to provide oxygen, to ensure the temperature is sufficient, and to check the pH to ensure fermentation is progressing properly.

This year's indigo seems to be growing slowly, and is progressing slowly. I was a little impatient because I've had experiences where the indigo rose explosively in just two days, but every year is different, so I'm taking it as another experience.

It is easier for the mixer when it builds quickly (once it's built, you don't have to stir every four hours), but the subsequent dyeing also finishes quickly, so I think it's important to build it slowly and dye it slowly.

Anyway, all I can do is pray every day that Ai will be built safely and without any problems.

I'm really looking forward to starting to dye it.