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I went to a traveling workshop

Recently, we held a traveling workshop in Tokyo.

We were asked by people we had connections with, and although it was a bit of a hard task, spending an entire day making the sauce, everyone took it very seriously and had a great time.

Everyone brought their own sewing machines and most of them had previous sewing experience, so it went much smoother than expected.

However, completing a pair of pants in one day is very difficult. Everyone did a great job.

Each one is the perfect size. The butt is cute and round.

It is difficult for us to meet all requests, but when the opportunity and timing are right, we hold on-site workshops like this.

As expected, it's fun to make things together. Since we were using sewing machines, it was different from the hand-sewn overnight workshops where you can talk a lot, but I tried to explain things efficiently and as clearly as possible, and I was excited and nervous as I worked alongside everyone until they finished their work.

Thank you very much to Mr. Y for organizing the event and Mr. C for kindly providing the venue.