Me & My Itoshiroyohinten Vol.6 -Daichi Furuta-

We will ask long-time customers of Ishiteshiro Clothing Store to tell us about their favorite items and their own activities.
Name: Daichi Furuta
My favorite item: Sashiko indigo dyeing (size 3)
Length of use: 1 month
Height: 168cm
---Please introduce yourself and tell us about your job and activities:
I run a small live music venue (Live Spot DiAngelo, Mino City, Gifu Prefecture) in a corner of a tenant building that I inherited from my father. At the same time, I continue to work as a pianist and percussionist, which I have been doing since I was young. While living in the local area, I have also been helping out with the "After School Children's Classroom" in the elementary school district where I went to school.
---Please tell us about your favorite items. When, where and where do you usually wear them?
My favorite is the dark blue " Indigo-dyed Sashiko Tatsuke ." Since the sense of physical movement is very important for both piano and percussion, I have always preferred to wear clothes that are "easy to move in," "durable," and "no unnecessary design/shape." Once I like something, I tend to "wear it all the time," and the Tatsuke from Itoshiro Clothing Store is exactly that (lol). I used the standard indigo-dyed tatsuke made of thin cotton fabric for quite a while, but this "sashiko" fabric product I purchased last year is more resistant to active movement (hard use) and is more reliable.
There are many situations, but it is especially suitable for playing drums/percussion, and for playing Latin American music (samba, Latin music). The design of the seat is naturally suited to the structure of the lower body of the human body, and is felt when playing an instrument for a long period of time in the field, where the opening and closing of the hip joints and delicate movements of each joint of the legs are often repeated.
---How did you find out about Ishiteshiro Clothing Store?
My wife, who was devoted to plant dyeing/indigo dyeing at home in Mino City, started helping out with dyeing fabrics for products at Itoshiro Clothing Store from around 2016-2017. The staff at the clothing store have been important companions to my wife since the beginning, and before I knew it, they have become good friends that I can open up to. We often travel back and forth between Mino City and Gujo City, and we have fun together.
--- A message to Ishiteshiro Clothing Store:
I'm always watching closely the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Hirano, and all of their colleagues as they work hard towards their dreams. I hope you will continue to spread energy to various places through making wonderful clothes and revitalizing local communities. I'm rooting for you!
Daichi Furuta
Owner of Matsumori Building/Live Spot DiAngelo, Mino City, Gifu Prefecture
Since the 2000s, he has been active in the fields of jazz, improvisation and South American music. In recent years, he has collaborated with Florencia Ruiz (g,vo), a leading Argentine acoustic artist, from 2018 to 2019. He has supported the live tours of many musicians both in Japan and abroad for many years at the live venue he runs.
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