The release of autumn and winter clothes has begun

Autumn/winter clothing will be released soon.
We deliver the light, soft and warm woolen clothing that we find so useful in Itoshiro, a cold region with deep snow.
Since last year, we have added a new line of "undyed wool" that uses black merino wool.
These products use the original colors of colored sheep, which are rare worldwide. We usually use natural dyes such as indigo and plant dyes, but we decided to make undyed wool products for the following four reasons.
1. The natural color of the sheep was so cute and beautiful.
2. And, in fact, choosing not to dye is an eco-friendly option (I am aware that dyeing uses a large amount of water and energy).
3. Because the number of sheep is limited, the lot size is small, making this a valuable wool that only a small brand like us can handle.
4. I was able to connect with a domestic factory that can spin wool into soft, high-quality yarn that is as delicate as cashmere. (This is a spinning technique that Japan is proud of, but it inevitably makes the cost higher, and in today's social situation, it is becoming difficult to continue. I want to let people know that Japan has this wonderful technique, and I want to see it continue!)
You may wonder why we are making wool knitwear when we have mainly been making traditional local clothing such as "tatsuke" up until now, but for these reasons, we are developing knitwear that will be comfortable even in the bitterly cold Itoshiro where we live.
We've received many happy comments saying that the fabric is soft, gentle, and warm, and we wear it all the time! We've also had many requests from men, so this year we're making it in men's sizes.
The quantity is limited, so please come and see the real thing.
In addition to the Tokyo exhibition, Black Merino's "undyed wool" clothing will be released at the following exhibitions:
・Winter clothing exhibition ~ Soft natural colors and warmth~ / CASA (Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture)
October 16th (Sat) - 24th (Sun), 2021
・Indigo and Sheep - Wearing the colors born from the earth - / Naka Architectural Design Studio (Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
October 23rd (Sat) - 24th (Sun), 2021
・Winter Clothing Exhibition ~Soft Natural Colors and Warmth~ / Cafe Gallery Phteah (Ikeda City, Osaka Prefecture)
October 27, 2021 (Wednesday) - November 7, 2021 (Sunday)