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River in Itoshiro

Itoshiro is a village located in the bosom of Mt. Hakusan.

The clear Nagara River and

It is located in the source area of ​​the Kuzuryu River.

The river is so clear you can see the bottom of it.

It flows through various parts of the village.

We live thanks to the blessings of this water.

The same goes for agricultural water.

Of course, drinking water is also important.

And also in small-scale hydroelectric power generation = energy.

We had a lot of fun playing in this river this summer.

I think the children have also grown a lot thanks to this river.

In some places, you can even swim with the fish.

There are also places where there are many amago and iwana trout.

I found such a place by chance.

"It's like Aquatoto!" (referring to the aquarium in Gifu Prefecture)

The children were excited and taught me.

The next day, I put on goggles and went in for the first time.

Then, there was a school of amago trout.

You can literally "swim together."

There are many mountain stream fish in Itoshiro.

That means a lot of people come here to fish.

I knew it, but I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Seeing lots of fish

And if we can swim together,

That "recognition" has become more concrete and real.

There is such a rich ecosystem in the rivers around here.

It has continued uninterruptedly throughout its long history.

It is on this abundance that we are alive.

I felt a genuine sense of gratitude and joy.

I already loved the river,

This crystal clear Itoshiro River

I like it even more now.

It cools the body when it's hot,

The rest of the day is very refreshing.

Because there is such an effect,

I thought, "Let's just swim for an hour during lunch time."

The river is a very casual part of everyday life.

It has come in.

Yesterday, during a break from work, with my friends

I went to the river. Lol

The Itoshiro River is simply beautiful.

And while giving thanks for the rich ecosystem,

To continue to protect this place

To the members of the fishing association who have worked so hard up until now,

And the river has been well cared for.

Learning from our predecessors,

I want to be one of those people,

I truly believe that.

(Hirano Kaori)