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Dyeing of Himedion

I dyed it with Himedion from late June to early July.

This is true for all plants, but they have a lot of color when they are in bud before the flowers are in full bloom. We keep an eye on the wild daisies that grow in the village so that we can dye them at the right time.

When hot days continue, the plants suddenly grow and bloom.
But then the cold weather continued for a while and the growth stopped...

Such situations are not uncommon, and we who dye with plants are always thinking about how to best seize the "now!" (Indigo leaves also need to be harvested at the best possible time, otherwise there will be little color on the leaves...)

When we dye with plants, we use a lot of plants.

Since the Himediong can be harvested in large quantities, it is a very useful dye material. Moreover, it is classified as a "weed" that no one thinks is necessary, so when I ask landowners if I can have some Himediong, they are always happy to say, "Sure, please."

They collect a lot of it, boil it in a big pot, and use it to dye cloth and clothes.

The colour came out well and the dyeing turned out very nicely.

Dyeing fabric with beautiful natural colors and incorporating them into everyday life is nothing but joy.

The color will change little by little, as if a thin skin is being peeled off, but we hope you will see this as part of the fun.

Behind the present colors lie other colors that are part of the plant.

You can see products dyed with Himezion here.