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I contributed to mahora

I contributed to the 4th issue of "mahora".
As I wrote, the contents of my writing became something that revealed the roots of everything I do in Itoshiro. The tone of my writing is different from that of the other writers and interviewers, but it is my honest thoughts.
Hirano Kaori

This is the fourth issue of "mahora," a book that introduces a variety of holistic landscapes: myths, folklore, sacraments, nature, earth, handicrafts, everyday life, and true abundance.
Also includes an interview with singer UA, who has discovered life in the forests of a small Canadian island.

This issue is packed with content, including an interview with Dr. Toshiro Inaba, who advocates for the future of life and living things, a photo essay by photographer Hanayo about the botanical therapy that supported her daily life while suffering from a serious illness, and Yoshihiko Yamaguchi's collection of over 20,000 folk tools from the people of the Amazon.

The cover is silk-screened with a natural pigment made from yellow ochre, just like the previous issue, but this issue is tied with a white string called "Nina Musubi". Each book has a different texture.

Purchase the book here .